About nydiart

Being a versatile artist allows me to undertake many different mediums. I enjoy working with soft pastels and charcoal because most of my technique is complete hands on for blending and combining the vibrant colors that I am attracted to. I love the challenges of experimental art and have created many works using a collage form of art with tissue paper. Satisfied with that technique, I moved on to experimenting with recycled dryer sheets. I have added other mediums into those works but I never go astray from my love for bold and vibrant colors. My hope is that the compositions jump at the viewer effectively as a joyful play in art or a creation of happiness.

The love of postcards…

Dove Postcard to Terrie P 06 28 2013

A Dove for Terrie…

I was wonderfully surprised to get an unanticipated post card for Terrie. So I swiftly went to my art table and made one with this Dove I was already making out of this parchment paper experiment. The tail feathers are cut and pasted individually. And so began the process after not being able to sit and create for a little while. This one is going to the State of Washington..